Public Speaking

Today’s leaders must have the ability not only to analyze thoughtfully but also to communicate clearly and persuasively. The thought of speaking up and standing out makes most people anxious. This is one of our best-selling programs.This program will seek to strengthen the capacity of each participant to speak well in public settings while navigating a range of leadership scenarios. Whether you are leading a team meeting or giving a formal presentation, executive presence is a vital skill in business and life.

In this certificate program, you will learn how to refine your public speaking skills and build confidence in your own presence. Approximately one-third of the program will be devoted to classes that introduce participants to strategies of communication and to models of public presentation. The rest of the program will consist of workshops in which participants will hone their skills in public speaking.

Course Learning Outcomes:

By sharing videos of yourself presenting and receiving constructive feedback from experts, you will practice analyzing your performance, repeating, and refining your work in exercises and acting techniques.

  • Analyze and understand your own strengths and weaknesses as a presenter
  • Connect and affect listeners when you transfer information, share emotion, or persuade for change
  • Observe and appreciate the performance aspects in others and learn how these insights can contribute to your presence
  • Deal with performance anxiety, mannerisms, and other distractions that limit your effectiveness in presentation
  • This certificate program can be organized as a 5-days group training or as a 1-on-1 personal training and coaching as you build confidence in your own presence.

Programs are offered both virtually and in-person